Organization Database

Build up Business Partnership

You are provided with more opportunities to look for business partners on our tender website

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Build up Business Partnership

Specific Filters & Search Engine

Deepbloo tender platform has included thousands of companies in an organizations directory, in which you can access to any company that you want to know about. To facilitate your search, we have developed advanced filters and search engines, so that you will easily target at your preferred companies.

Specific Filters & Search Engine
Inclusive Database for Business Partnerships

Inclusive Database for Business Partnerships

We collect and publish data and information of thousands of companies. Moreover, the organizations directory is linked to the tender interface which display organizations involved in tenders (such as Buyers, financial organizations, awarded companies...). You can contact the companies or share with them tender information to collaborate.

Customize Your Organizational Data

You will be able to integrate your own data and customize your platform. The data and other information are only visible within your company. We promise to protect the private information and to provide full ownership for you to manage your platform.

Customize Your Organizational Data

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