Augmented Tender

Handy Tender Analysis

No struggle on our tender website to figure out scattered information because we have done the toughest for you: Our AI detects automatically key data on each document to facilate your analysis (scope of work, voltage and power range, amount,....)

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Handy Tender Analysis

Automatic Detections of Key Elements

On Deepbloo tender platform, every augmented public tender and energy bid is analyzed automatically and all their properties are shown. You will have a good understanding about the key criteria (such as scope of work, voltage, segments....) in one second. The display of the smart data will help you save time and be more efficient!

Automatic Detections of Key Elements
Tender Annotation & Sharing

Tender Annotation & Sharing

When you encounter a public tender or an energy bid, you can make your own comments on the document and share them with your colleagues. You can also review all the other comments that other colleagues make to help with your business decisions!

Deep Search of Attached Files

When you want to find out the information in the attached file of a public tender, you only need to type your key word. All the results containing your key word will be listed. You will be navigated to it after you click on one of the results. Besides, you can access to the key words that you have searched in the interface of pipeline view.

Deep Search of Attached Files

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