We have released the business insights on Transmission Lines 2021.

Transmission Lines 2021 Business Insights

DEEPBLOO Team is proud to issue a new Business Insights enabling readers to have, in one glance, an overview of the Public market’s data. This month, we have decided to work on Transmission Lines.

  • In 2021, Deepbloo has identified 4372 tenders which were related to Transmission lines.
  • The 4372 opportunities come from 123 countries across the globe.
  • 11 different financial organisations were involved tenders funding from 1600 different buyers.

All DEEPBLOO team is quite excited by the digital playground offered by Public Authorities regarding electricity projects, moreover DEEPBLOO expertise in T&D market allows us to understand and analyze deeply our public datas. We will keep moving forward with the ambition of giving to our community the possibility to understand better this public market, create interaction between tenderers and business partners by offering the best data quality possible.
Happy reading!