Deepbloo developpe d'une solution de gestion des opportunites et de la base de donnees clients
Solution de gestion d’appels d’offres

Our client is a company that works in the off-grid sector and is interested in receiving and managing tenders related to its sector.

  • This company needs a global opportunity management solution to identify, manage and collaborate across the enterprise.
  • Our client did not want to deploy a CRM but wanted to use Deepbloo with functionality to manage the organizations and contacts they work with and the opportunities.

Our client was looking for a solution to automate the overall sales process of tracking leads/customers and opportunities allowing them to:

  • Automatically capture RFPs natively identified by Deepbloo as well as create opportunities directly (from these RFPs or not) by its sales force.
  • Manage the process of piloting these opportunities in a secure private environment (GO/NO GO, offer submission...)
  • Centralize and manage customer contacts
  • Have a reporting of opportunities (analytical)
  • Trace the history of actions on opportunities